On a Technology Odyssey: Project Management Journey

On a Technology Odyssey: Project Management Journey


In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, effective project management plays a critical role in the success of complex information communication technology initiatives. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to enter the world of project management or a college graduate just starting your career, starting as a project manager in an ICT department can be a rewarding and challenging endeavor. In this article, I will share some ideas and experiences on starting a successful career in project management in an information communication technology department/firm.

  1. Promote lifelong learning: The information communication technology industry is known for its constant innovation and ever-changing nature. As a project manager, it is extremely important to stay up to date with the latest trends, tools, and methodologies. Invest time in continuous learning through courses, certifications, and connections with industry experts. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Project Management Institute (PMI) can be valuable sources of information for improving your skills.

  2. Master the art of communication: Effective communication is the foundation for effective project management. You work with interdisciplinary teams, stakeholders, and customers, each with different experiences and expectations. Develop strong written and verbal communication skills to ensure everyone is on the same page and informed throughout the project lifecycle.

  3. Strengthen collaborative relationships: Building strong relationships with team members is crucial to project success. Be approachable, empathetic, and attentive. Encourage open dialogue, and always be ready to offer support and guidance. Trust and collaboration are key elements in any tech project.

  4. Understand the Tech Stack: While you don't need to be a coding wizard, having a fundamental understanding of the technologies your team is using will give you a significant advantage. It will enable you to make informed decisions, bridge communication gaps between technical and non-technical team members, and troubleshoot issues more effectively.

  5. Introduction of agile methods: Agile project management has become the gold standard in the technology industry. Familiarize yourself with agile methods such as Scrum and Kanban. This framework promotes flexibility, transparency, and iterative development, which are critical for technology projects where requirements can change quickly.

  6. Top Project Management Tools: Information Communication Technology projects often involve multiple tasks, schedules, and resources. Use project management software like Asana, Trello, Jira, or Microsoft Project to streamline project planning, tracking, and reporting. These tools will help you stay organized and keep everyone under control.

  7. Risk Management and Problem-Solving: Information Communication Technology projects are not immune to challenges and setbacks. A good project manager anticipates risks, develops contingency plans, and remains calm under pressure. Problem-solving skills are your best friend when solving unexpected problems.

  8. Find a mentor: Don't be afraid to seek advice from experienced project managers in your network. A mentor can provide you with valuable information, share your experiences, and help you navigate your career path. LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with potential mentors.

  9. Show leadership qualities: As a project manager, you are the driving force behind your projects. Be a leader, inspire your team, and lead by example. Demonstrate dedication, commitment, and a strong work ethic to earn the respect and trust of your colleagues.

  10. Celebrate successes and learn from failures: Every project, big or small, brings valuable lessons. Celebrate your team's successes and recognize your failures as opportunities for growth. Continuous improvement is the key to long-term success.


    Starting a project management role in an ICT department is a journey full of challenges and opportunities. Benefit from lifelong learning, develop communication skills, and build collaborative relationships. Understand your technology stack, master agile methods, and use project management tools effectively. Seek out mentors, demonstrate leadership skills, and learn from successes and failures. By following these principles, you will not only pursue this exciting career path but also contribute to the successful implementation of technology projects that drive innovation and progress in our ever-evolving digital world.